Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Nature of the SMOKE MONSTER..... REVEALED?!?!?!

A few of the questions that have bothered Lost fans for YEARS are, "What in the heckfire is the Smoke Monster? Why does it kill people? What is its purpose?" Well, I have just received a GIGANTIC spoiler photo that gives us some mighty big clues into solving this mystery!!! See below for big time spoilers!

Now, I'm no expert scientist, but even my 20/30 vision eyes can tell that there's a distinct body encased within the smoke monster. I can't quite tell who or what it is, but one thing is clear... it is really hungry! It looks like it has acquired a large pepperoni pizza from Lil' Caeser's Pizzeria! Another huge spoiler (there's been a Lil' Caeser's on the island the entire time!!).

We can't definitively answer what the monster is, yet. But we do know its purpose (to eat pizzas), and we have a good idea why it's killing people (shitty pizza delivery from its victims). Feel free to leave your theories in the comment section!

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