Friday, October 31, 2008

Black Rock Mystery.... SOLVED!

Aloha, fellow Lost addicts! My source has come through again in the clutch and sent me an earth-rocking SPOILER-photo! Heck yes! We now know who the original Captain of the Black Rock was.... See below for Spoilergate!

I don't believe my eyes, either! Dr. Freeze was the Captain of the Black Rock!!!! That still leaves many questions, such as: "Where is Dr. Freeze now? Why did Dr. Freeze come to the island? Will we see Dr. Freeze this year?"

I say yes to that last question. The others, I have no clue about.

One other thing I noticed: What is that near the back of the boat?? Theories?!?!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mondo Spoiler: Fate of the Island Hangs in the Balance....

WOW! I have received a mondo spoiler from my source today! We've been wondering how the fate of the island will be determined. And now, we have the answer!!! See below for BIG TYME spoilers!

Honestly, I wouldn't have believed it either! And yet, here is 100% certifiable proof that the WINNER of the island will be determined in a break dancing battle! I gotta say, judging from this photo, I like Widmore's confidence and athleticism. If he keeps it up for the entire scene, Ben can kiss this island goodbye!!!!

As always, interpretations are welcome!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Nature of the SMOKE MONSTER..... REVEALED?!?!?!

A few of the questions that have bothered Lost fans for YEARS are, "What in the heckfire is the Smoke Monster? Why does it kill people? What is its purpose?" Well, I have just received a GIGANTIC spoiler photo that gives us some mighty big clues into solving this mystery!!! See below for big time spoilers!

Now, I'm no expert scientist, but even my 20/30 vision eyes can tell that there's a distinct body encased within the smoke monster. I can't quite tell who or what it is, but one thing is clear... it is really hungry! It looks like it has acquired a large pepperoni pizza from Lil' Caeser's Pizzeria! Another huge spoiler (there's been a Lil' Caeser's on the island the entire time!!).

We can't definitively answer what the monster is, yet. But we do know its purpose (to eat pizzas), and we have a good idea why it's killing people (shitty pizza delivery from its victims). Feel free to leave your theories in the comment section!


I have just been given word that the actor who plays Sawyer, Josh Holloway, has been FIRED from Lost! This is truly tragic news for all females who have fallen in love with the renegade hunk. However, not all is "Lost" (get it?). We have been informed that Sawyer has already been recast with a new stud playing the role! Furthermore, we have received the first Screencap of the new actor in action! Enjoy!

I'm sure all the ladies have already forgotten all about Josh Holloway. Here is the future!

Earth-Shattering Spoiler Screenshots from Season 5!

Hi all. Exciting news today, as I have received two brand new spoiler photos from season 5 of Lost! I have to admit, I did not see either of these huge plot twists coming. In the first photo, we see the return of what was thought to be a long-dead character. The photo raises huge questions about the island's nature and opens up a Pandora's box of new questions. My jaw is literally dropped, and I think you'll see why. Once again, many thanks to my secret inside source, who risked his life to provide these Spoiler photos!


One of the biggest mysteries of the Island centers on the Volcano that is said to exist somewhere inland. There has been speculation that there has been, or will be, a huge incident involving its eruption. Well, fortunately for you Spoiler addicts, I can answer this question once and for all!

Let that sink in for a second. I don't really know how to even begin interpreting this. Doctor Arzt, who blew himself up in season 2 with dynamite, appears to be emerging from this erupting volcano. Now, does this mean that Doctor Arzt actually IS the island? Does it mean he's Jacob? One can only surmise at this point, but one thing's for sure, Doctor Arzt is sure to be a huge player for the remainder of the show!

Now, you may be thinking, after seeing the above photo, "It doesn't get better than that! That's the biggest spoiler ever!" Well, I can't blame you for your ignorance, because I was thinking the same thing until I received the following photo. Yes folks, we can finally declare that the mystery of the FOUR TOED STATUE has been solved! Just when I thought I had figured Lost out, the show's writers throw a total screwball, and now I just don't know what to think! See for yourself!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream. We have SOLID evidence that TERRY TATE, OFFICE LINEBACKER, is the source of the 4 Toed Statue! I'm not really sure how to read this. The first thing that comes to mind is, "Why does Terry Tate want to kill John Locke?" I can't answer that. My best guess is that John Locke stole some of Terry Tate's pencils. How did they get off the island and into an office building? I have no clue. Hopefully we will receive more spoiler photos in the days, weeks, and months to come.

So keep checking in, spoilerphiles. The spoiler factory is cranking 'em out a million per minute!

-Mr. Kennedy

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Welcome to Lost Spoiler Paradise!

Hello Lost Spoiler fanatics! If you're anything like me, you can't get enough of ABC's hit TV show, Lost. Unfortunately, there is usually a period of 15 years between seasons, so we become rabid with anticipation for any Lost-related news. Thank heavens for us, we have great spoiler sites with spoiler-related news.

But you know what we don't have a lot of? Lost Spoiler Screenshots and Photos! Until now! I have an inside source with extremely close ties to the TV show and its production. He/she is exclusive to me and thus, only I receive these SPOILERRIFFIC screenshots, screen caps, and photos.

I will not be posting spoiler warnings before my posts, because you should know, from the very beginning, that EVERY post will contain HUMONGOUS spoilers that have ASTRONOMICAL repercussions on the show. Consider yourself warned. Without further ado, I present my first batch of Spoiler-photos. Enjoy!

This is a real shocker! As you can plainly see, a couple of our cast favorites have been captured, along with a couple of new characters! That's right, Lucius Malfoy and Ed Hochuli (NFL Referee famous for having huge pipes) are joining the cast in season 5! It seems like they are in quite the predicament. But judging from Lucius's smarmy facial expression, I'd say he's got a plan (likely involving his wand).

Here we have a Season 5 promo shot. These are usually boring. But in this case, if you examine verrry closely, you notice there's something different. No, that's not Mr. Eko on the far left. That is actually WWE megastar Gene Snitsky. WWE fans have been complaining non stop recently, as Snitsky has been off TV. But it's ok, for as we can plainly see, he will be getting plenty of air time as the new Co-Star of LOST!!

That's all I have for now, but my source says he's got a few more photos to send to me this afternoon. So come back then for more huge Lost Spoilers!