Hi all. Exciting news today, as I have received two brand new spoiler photos from season 5 of Lost! I have to admit, I did not see either of these huge plot twists coming. In the first photo, we see the return of what was thought to be a long-dead character. The photo raises huge questions about the island's nature and opens up a Pandora's box of new questions. My jaw is literally dropped, and I think you'll see why. Once again, many thanks to my secret inside source, who risked his life to provide these Spoiler photos!
One of the biggest mysteries of the Island centers on the Volcano that is said to exist somewhere inland. There has been speculation that there has been, or will be, a huge incident involving its eruption. Well, fortunately for you Spoiler addicts, I can answer this question once and for all!

Let that sink in for a second. I don't really know how to even begin interpreting this. Doctor Arzt, who blew himself up in season 2 with dynamite, appears to be emerging from this erupting volcano. Now, does this mean that Doctor Arzt actually IS the island? Does it mean he's Jacob? One can only surmise at this point, but one thing's for sure, Doctor Arzt is sure to be a huge player for the remainder of the show!
Now, you may be thinking, after seeing the above photo, "It doesn't get better than that! That's the biggest spoiler ever!" Well, I can't blame you for your ignorance, because I was thinking the same thing until I received the following photo. Yes folks, we can finally declare that the mystery of the FOUR TOED STATUE has been solved! Just when I thought I had figured Lost out, the show's writers throw a total screwball, and now I just don't know what to think! See for yourself!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream. We have SOLID evidence that TERRY TATE, OFFICE LINEBACKER, is the source of the 4 Toed Statue! I'm not really sure how to read this. The first thing that comes to mind is, "Why does Terry Tate want to kill John Locke?" I can't answer that. My best guess is that John Locke stole some of Terry Tate's pencils. How did they get off the island and into an office building? I have no clue. Hopefully we will receive more spoiler photos in the days, weeks, and months to come.
So keep checking in, spoilerphiles. The spoiler factory is cranking 'em out a million per minute!
-Mr. Kennedy